Everyone! LoCo Team Reports

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 31 09:37:51 GMT 2008


On Jan 31, 2008 8:10 AM, Julius Bloch <juliux at ubuntu-de.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Donnerstag, den 31.01.2008, 01:23 -0500 schrieb Martin Owens:
> > Question: What is the purpose of these reports?
> Good Question.
> From my point I see no benefit in creating reports. I think there are better things to do then writing
> reports about what has be done in the last weeks.

It's to keep the rest of the community informed about work that your
team is doing, which is hugely important for maintaining a coherent
community, as well as beneficial for idea-sharing.

> I also think that there is not one person who can write the reports for the whole LocoTeam, so there are
> more people who wasting time in opening a wikipage, thinking what the team did the last weeks, writing it
> down and so on.

You don't have to open a new wiki page - if it's quicker then just add
significant news to the latest report directly.

Matthew East
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