Canonical at Solutions Linux in Paris

Efrain Valles efrain at
Fri Jan 11 12:09:35 GMT 2008

Can we bring this up to CC council?

It seems like it is something everyone should now... even if it has
happened once or twice. It is soemthing that comes to me with great
shock and I think this is definentely not in Canonical's
plans"</naive>". Please let's discuss this in hte community council. in
front of all the community. Yann ... are you willing to bring this ups

P.S. Eventhough your frustration is greatly reflected by the use of "bad
words", I suggest you don't use them in the CC council meeting.

El vie, 11-01-2008 a las 02:39 -0500, Martin Owens escribió:
> Hello Yann,
> > > I just learned that Canonical was silver sponsor of Solutions Linux in Paris, and that Canonical is going to have a big booth there, as a silver sponsor.
> > > So we are going to have two stands there: Ubuntu-fr, and Ubuntu. The Ubuntu being in fact Canonical's one.
> It's interesting although not very surprising that this kind of
> problem has cropped up before. It was remarked only after the UDS in
> Boston that a greater involvement from the Local LoCo team would have
> been desired. Well I quit my job to be there all week as leader, I
> made sure I was there, gave $80 worth of case badges to people that
> attended, networked, met really interesting people; but you could feel
> the lack of contact. Canonical just aren't cut out to deal with the
> community yet.
> Why bother creating a huge LoCo team network if Canonical are just
> going to shit all over the team when the circus comes to town? Stop
> wasting resources being a typical software business Canonical and use
> the damn human and contact resources that your community is giving
> you, or at the very least don't piss them off so much.
> My advice for ubuntu-fr is to turn up and have some of your members
> man the big canonical booth and point general members of the public to
> the community support booth after picking up what ever swag from
> Canonical; although I'm still hoping Canonical will realise their
> error and ask you to merge with them as the local group your in a much
> better position anyway.
> Regards, Martin Owens, Ubuntu-US-MA Leader
Efrain Valles
Ubuntu-ve LoCo Team Contact
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