Canonical at Solutions Linux in Paris

Jim Tarvid tarvid at
Fri Jan 11 05:44:13 GMT 2008

On 1/10/08, Yann <yann.hamon at> wrote:
> I just learned that Canonical was silver sponsor of Solutions Linux in Paris, and that Canonical is going to have a big booth there, as a silver sponsor.
> So we are going to have two stands there: Ubuntu-fr, and Ubuntu. The Ubuntu being in fact Canonical's one.

The slogan "Where Open Source means Business" should give us a clue.

I am thankful for Ubuntu and grateful to Mark Shuttleworth for his
contribution. But in the larger scheme, I am thankful for
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Desmond Tutu and America's own Ralph Waldo

As small fry in the Open Source Sea, I share your frustration but
there are bigger sharks in the pond.

La propriété, c'est le vol!

Viva La France!


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