Working with regional groups in a locoteam

Amir Eldor amir.eldor at
Tue Apr 29 21:32:13 BST 2008

"If you can't beat them, join them".

I went to the biggest 'local' (=LoCo) team and started helping them in
becoming the largest Ubuntu group in Israel.

Israel is a small country so there are no several groups like Germany. Each
of these four groups should contact each other and work together for Ubuntu
and FOSS IMO :)

Amir Eldor
Ubuntu Israel

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:26 PM, Martin Albisetti <argentina at>

> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Julius Bloch <juliux at>
> wrote:
> >  How have you oranised the collaboration between the local groups and
> the
> >  locoteam?
> I don't quite understand the difference between local groups and LoCo
> Team.
> Does that refer to sub-group of the LoCo Team?
> Id that's the case, I think most LoCos don't have subgroups, just a
> few of the moee active and large ones, like the US and, well, you
> Germans are always insanely active  :)
> Btw, public congrats on the new role of LoCo Council.
> cheers,
> Martin
> --
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