Who Is LoCo?

Pomeroy Lab admin at mindblowingidea.com
Fri Sep 28 23:48:39 BST 2007

You are 100% correct. It's not about what distro is better. It's about promoting Linux and working together as one group to achieve this goal. At least thats what it's about to me.

Just to clarify if anyone has a LoCo or LUG and wants to get noticed so people know where you are you should register here http://www.listphile.com/Linux . This list will be used at the Linux Fest to direct people to their local Linux Groups that can help them. 

Siegfried-Angel <siggi.gevatter at gmail.com> wrote: Nice.

Anyways, I don't think a discussion about on what Ubuntu and on what
PCLinuxOS is better has anything to do on this list, that is intended
to be rather low traffic list about important LoCo related stuff.
Perhaps a thread on Ubuntu Forums (http://ubuntuforums.org/) would be
more appropriate.

Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT)
Linux User #438657. Ubuntu User #11680.

2007/9/29, Pomeroy Lab :
> I know they keep improving Ubuntu and releasing it and every time I download
> it and try it. It's a good system for the people who like it and yes there
> are customers that prefer it. The point I'm trying to make is it will always
> be Debian and it's abilities to install software restricted to the Debian
> base. Ubuntu needs better compilers so it can adapt to non Debian programs.
> They also need an interface like is in Ubuntu Christian Edition which is
> what my pastor uses. I installed it on a new computer for him before I knew
> about PCLinuxOS. It still runs great but the e-sword or gnome-sword app has
> it's issues. Chock another one up for PCLinuxOS who's gnome-sword works just
> fine. Not sure why this is. I think if I remember correctly the defendguin
> game does not work in PCLinuxOS but thats trivial since most people don't
> have a computer just to play that game. I wish it would work.

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