[Ubuntu-US] US Teams Mentoring Project IRC Metting

Aaron Toponce aaron.toponce at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 17:13:30 BST 2007

Due to *overwhelming* responses on not moderating the meeting, that will
be the the execution style of the meeting then.  It will not be moderated.

I feel I need to mention here that the purpose of moderating the meeting
was not due to a lack of trust of people adhering to the CoC, but
rather, to keep the meeting to a reasonable time.  This topic has been
discussed at great length several times, and every time, it takes longer
than usual to address the issues and concerns when in IRC.

So, I ask then that we stick strictly to the topics, issues and concerns
focused at hand, and not stray on strange unrelated tangents.  However,
please, if you have a concern, fill it out on
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/MeetingAgenda.  Those who have placed
their nick, name and concern will have the floor to present it, just as
membership meetings are conducted to the CC.

Also, the date has changed, but the time is the same.  Sept 22, 16:00
UTC is the new datetime for the meeting, as some key leaders were unable
to make it for the 29th.

Aaron Toponce         ( )  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
www.aarontoponce.org   X   www.asciiribbon.org
                      / \

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