[Ubuntu-US] US Teams Mentoring Project IRC Metting

Trey Brown trey at ubuntuoklahoma.org
Fri Sep 14 16:18:04 BST 2007

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I strongly disagree with this meeting being moderated. Some people may not
have an issue of their own, but may have very valuable input on an issue,
and we should not limit the knowledge of the group. I'm sure the CoC will be
followed, and if not the mentors can kick/forward that person to the
discussion channel, or warn them and escalate as needed.

- --Trey
Oklahoma Team

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On 9/12/07, Aaron Toponce <aaron.toponce at gmail.com> wrote:
> The topic for the next IRC meeting for the US Teams Mentoring Project is
> tentatively scheduled for Sept 29th, 16:00 UTC.  Keep an eye on this
> list, and #ubuntu-us for possible changes.  This meeting will be held in
> a fashion similar to Education week, and the CC meetings.
> #ubuntu-us will be moderated during the meeting, giving voice only to
> the mentors of the project, a few key LoCo leaders and the person who
> has a concern.  In order to voice your concern, you must include your
> name/nick and concern on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/MeetingAgenda.
> Those listed on that list will have their concern or question addressed
> in the meeting, and they will be voiced giving them a chance to present
> and argue their points.  The points and concerns will be met with open
> minds, and a willingness to discuss and address them in a professional
> manner.
> There will be a separate channel, #ubuntu-us-discussion, where
> discussion about the meeting itself will take place.  This will be a
> sacrificial channel, at which when the meeting ends, so does
> #ubuntu-us-discussion, and all US Teams related LoCo chat will continue
> in #ubuntu-us or #ubuntu-locoteams.
> Now is the time to weigh in your voice concerning tax exemption,
> financial funding and legal liability concerns.  This is a hot topic at
> the moment, and I would like to see anyone and everyone's input on this
> matter.  Of course, this discussion extends past just US Teams, to LoCos
> in general, as we have seen it on both mailing lists.
> Please forward this mail to your respective LoCo mailing lists to get
> the word out.
> Until then, let's keep our energy focused on building our LoCo team,
> documentation, member recruiting, community events and general LoCo
> advocacy.
> Thanks,
> --
>                        _
> Aaron Toponce         ( )  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
> www.aarontoponce.org   X   www.asciiribbon.org
>                       / \
> --
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