LoCo governance and incorporation policy?

ஆமாச்சு amachu at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 10 18:21:39 BST 2007

On Monday 10 Sep 2007 8:47:07 pm Christer Edwards wrote:
> All of the established and approved teams within the US have functioned
> without funding or liability coverage.

am re-presenting my opinion on this as far as Tamizh Team is concerned. 

We haven’t met with a great need as such for raising money for managing 
activities of ours.

Whenever we needed them, it has come so far.. thanks to the activities that we 
did.. and it has paid us..

We launched the CD distribution through post scheme with me putting my pocket 
initially and those who benefited  out of it came forward to share later.. 
and we have a joint bank acount to maintain it..

remember we din’t have thoughts of opening an account initially.. our 
activites made people to come forward to contribute.. then we started this 
account to manage the fund raised..

Though the balance there is pretty low.. its sufficient till now.. we do not 
want to dedicate our focus on money.. but on work.. and we believe money if 
at all needed will come automatically… :-)

our activities paid us.. so far so good.. focus on activities.. and if at all 
something is needed, we believe, it will come.. if that which comes is gonna 
be huge.. then some time is really needed to manage them… but not now.. 

we do not want to put special efforts for raising & maintaining funds...

Sri Ramadoss M,
Ubuntu Tamil Community, Chennai

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