Ubuntu LOCO

Rolando Blanco rolando at ubuntu.org.ve
Tue May 15 14:05:03 BST 2007


In venezuela we works so hard giving the Ubuntu Soirit to the people,
Some time some sponsors help us, they are bussines enterprise. 

The only two themes that no one can talk in our LoCo, its about POLITICS

Until now this works to us :D 

El lun, 14-05-2007 a las 22:19 -0400, Simón Ruiz escribió:
> The Ubuntu community welcomes all comers.
> Noone is excluded; no politics, no race, no religion.
> On 5/14/07, Jocelyn <jhabib en gmail.com> wrote:
> > i am just asking about it not for that only , my question was related to the
> > embargo  done on them , so should it be a problem , or they are welcome , so
> > i think in my opinion that ubuntu should speak linux not other then that no
> > politics , no race , no religion , isnt it
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Regards
> -- 
> -Simón A. Ruiz
Rolando F. Blanco C:. 
Ubuntu-ve Contact 
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