Unofficial Lithuanian Ubuntu team

Mantas sirexas at
Mon May 7 20:46:37 BST 2007


Since 2005 year in Lithuania exists a local Ubuntu community. We have
web site dedicated to Ubuntu where people actively discuss in forum, we
also writing news and organizing meetings. We even have made T-shirts
with Ubuntu logo :)

There are even exists special distribution based on Ubuntu and called
Baltix. Baltix is modified to conform our local needs.

But globally there isn't any Lithuanian LoCo team. I decided to start
it. I have read how to become a LoCo team, and started to create things
that are needed.

Our community web site is, but global domain doesn't point to really existing web site.

I wrote a letter to Matthias Urlichs, but still didn't get any response.
Then I decided, that maybe here some thing will changes.

Another thing, in Lithuania exists an ftp mirror to Ubuntu repositories
it is hosted at, but domain, that comes with ubuntu - are not hosted in lithuania, and download speed
from there are really slower than from So it would be
great if would point to

Full path of mirror based in Lithuania is

I hope, that I'm writing to a correct place :)

I'm not native English speaker, so sorry for my mistakes.

Mantas aka sirex
Ubuntu - Linux for human beings

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