New Ubuntu Website

Rubén C. Díaz Alonso 'outime' outime at
Fri Mar 16 13:36:55 GMT 2007

On 3/15/07, Matthew Nuzum <matthew.nuzum en> wrote:
> You will soon see that the main website has changed. It
> has a new look and is now based on the drupal CMS.

The new style looks pretty good, and I use also Drupal on many
projects, like Kubuntu ES. Is a good CMS for this.

I know that is a preview style and isn't totally done, but you can add
more content down, in the left and center side, because now it has a
blank space.

Keep up the good work.

Best regards,
Rubén C. Díaz Alonso "outime"
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Linux user #417360

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