UPI-la - Ubuntu Professional Institute - Latino America
Rolando F. Blanco C:.
rolando at ubuntu.org.ve
Mon Jan 8 21:46:51 GMT 2007
Yeap! It's true I forgot
El lun, 08-01-2007 a las 21:36 +0000, Matthew East escribió:
> I think that you can assume that all subscribers to this mailing list
> understand English ok, including the Spanish ones - the whole point of
> being a loco-contact is to liaise with the international community,
> which works in English. So the best way for everyone to understand is if
> you use English.
> Matt
But, taking your time, please let me know what do you think about our
idea?? (UPI-la).
We have the first meeting tomorrow, but it will be in spanish. I'll talk
to our Official embassador and translator, to translate all the meeting
to be avaible on the web.
And Colombia, Venezuela, Republica Dominicana, España, Peru, Argentina
all ready check the assist.
May you bring us good ideas for tomorrow??
Thank you again!
Rolando F. Blanco C:. (rolando)
Fraternidad Ubuntu Linux de Venezuela (Ubuntu-ve)
Huella GPG: A5C0 4C72 C701 FA48 52D1 9F60 19BC 88A8 3FC8 D092
Ekiga VoIP: whitesoft en ekiga.net | irc nickname: rolando
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...ház que tu computador trabaje para ti, usa UBUNTU Linux"
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