Ubuntu Certifications - In other Languages

amachu techie amachu.techie at gmail.com
Mon Jan 1 07:13:25 GMT 2007

the most important thing which attacted me towards Ubuntu is that it has in
its basic principles that any Software should be made available to people in
people's own Mother Tongue.

I would say, If I had started a company myself, this would have been the
basic policy of my company too. having said this, we now have place for
ubuntu certifications starting from Ubuntu User to Ubuntu Engineer...

What are the plans for Certifications being carried out in Languages other
than English? Is it happening in any language other than English?

Then, we at Ubuntu Tamil team has started re-writing Ubuntu desktop Guide in
tamil and hopefully Kubuntu Desktop Guide and Ubuntu Server guide will also
come into picture very soon.

We are writing gTranslator User manual in Tamil to help newbies, willing to
contribute to translate Ubuntu to Tamil.

These are few initiatives from Ubuntu Tamil Team. All the best for the newly
formed LoCo teams recently. lets make Ubuntu the most popular desktop OS of
the world. :-)


Sri Ramadoss M,
Contact: Ubuntu Tamil Team
IRC Nick: amachu AT freenode Channel: #ubuntu-tam
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