Loco Team Mentor needed for Ubuntu Women's Project

ம. ஸ்ரீ ராமதாஸ் amachu.techie at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 15:35:40 GMT 2007


Do we need to seperate women? we in our team indeed have very minimal
representation of women but still we would like to take steps that will
ensure women to particiapate much more freely without being considered as a
different clan from men...

One way is to simply motivate fellow women around us to start contributing
to Ubuntu with us together...

and make them the integral part of the community..

even if we may choose to have a Ubuntu Women Team now, we should set some
time frame or %of women's participation, on accomplishment of which it will
be merged with the common community..



சொல்லில் உயர்வு தமிழ் சொல்லே -  அதைத்
தொழுது படித்திடடி பாப்பா
செல்வம் நிறைந்தஹிந்து ஸ்தானம் - அதைத்
தினமும் புகழ்ந்திடடி பாப்பா
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