Next steps restoring hosted loco team websites (meeting summary)

Matthew Nuzum matthew.nuzum at
Tue Aug 14 17:15:25 BST 2007

On 8/14/07, Matthew Nuzum <matthew.nuzum at> wrote:
> Hello everyone, here is a quick summary of the meeting today regarding
> the canonical sponsored loco team web hosting.

> Also, each site will need to make arrangements for getting their site
> set up in the proper place.
> To do this, follow these steps:
>  * Log into #canonical-sysadmin on freenode and ask for help migrating
> your existing loco site. The first available sysadmin will contact you
> to make proper arrangements. As always, be patient. Loco teams far
> outnumber sysadmins.

Change: Instead of logging onto #canonical-sysadmin (which has turned
to chaos), file a bug at

This way you'll be notified if there are questions or when its been completed.

> Thanks for your cooperation as we work through this event.

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode

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