Time for another LoCo Teams Meeting

udienz udienz at surabaya.linux.or.id
Sun Aug 5 18:11:05 BST 2007

2007/8/6, Melissa Draper <melissa at meldraweb.com>:
> Greetings,
> I really must apologise to anyone who turned up to the meeting. I
> totally lost track of time :-/
> Lets try again next sunday, at the same time.
> So, the meeting will now be on the 12th of August, at 16:00UTC. See the
> following to work out your local time:
> http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=8&day=12&year=2007&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=0
> > The agenda items from last meeting are still at
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamMeeting, and are still relevant. If you
> > think of anything more specific, please add it to the page.
> >
> > See you then.
> >
> If I lose track of time again, xchat makes noise when you say my nick :)
> --
> Sincerely
> Melissa Draper
> http://www.meldraweb.com
> Phone: 0404 595 395
> (intl): +61 404 595 395
> P.O Box 1412
> Lavington, NSW 2641
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts

07:03] <elkbuntu> sorry to anyone who was here for the loco meeting. I
totally lost track of time [image: unhappy]
[07:05] *** juliux has joined *#ubuntu-meeting*
[07:05] <schpenke> elkbuntu: I was here for it.  It's cool.  Are we
[07:06] <udienzMahyuddin> Melissa Draper <melissa at meldraweb.com> who created
confirmed e-mail
[07:06] <elkbuntu> schpenke, yes, i think so. it is now 3am for me
[07:07] <schpenke> elkbuntu: That's fine.  I'll see you all during the
rescheduled meeting.  Get some sleep.  [image: wink]
[07:07] *** schpenke left *#ubuntu-meeting* ("Konversation terminated!")
[07:08] <udienzMahyuddin> all, let's go sleep
[07:12] *** finalbeta has joined *#ubuntu-meeting*
[07:15] *** j_ack has joined *#ubuntu-meeting*

Okay... don't be late
udienz (Mahyuddin Susanto)
Personal blog http://udienz.wordpress.com
i may never find all the answers. I may never understand why, I may never
prove. What I know to be true, But I know that I still have to try. If I die
tomorrow, I'd be allright Because I believe That after we're gon, The spirit
carries on Move on, be brave (Dream Theater)
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