LoCoTeams Meeting Summary - 18th September, 2006
Adam Glenn
aglenn at adamandmelissa.com
Tue Sep 19 21:10:26 BST 2006
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Thank you for posting the notes, I was able to attend but I
appreciate the effort.
On Sep 19, 2006, at 4:37 AM, Melissa Draper wrote:
> Greetings,
> Since nobody else has done this, I shall take the time to share the
> details of the LoCoTeam Meeting with the list. This is mainly for the
> benefit of those who for some reason could not attend the actual
> event.
> I do this regularly for the -Au LoCo and have found the act well
> received amongst members there.
> A log of the meeting can be viewed here -->
> http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-
> meeting-2006-09-18.html
> I'm not really sure where each agenda item began and ended, so I'll
> just
> list off some points:
> * Jono introduced himself and made his intentions clear.
> o LoCo teams will kick ass.. and they have permission to kiss ass
> too, if it is required ;)
> * The lack of communication prior to recent weeks was noted. While
> the
> situation has improved, the following suggestions were made as ways to
> retain the improved situation.
> o Improvements/additions/etc to the wiki
> o Mentoring mentioned and intentions for a feasibility case study
> were described. Read the logs for more information on this.
> o Services of the Ubuntu Webmaster identified, contact details
> -->
> matthew DOT nuzum AT canonical.com or newz2000 on IRC
> o Sharing of team experiences and projects to inspire others (see
> previous mail from Jono with subject: "Call for LoCo cool stories")
> o More meetings, fortnightly, alternating timezone groups. Most
> teams should be able to attend approximately once a month.
> Lots of chopping back and forth. We need to work on keeping order for
> the next meetings.
> The next meeting will be on October 10th, 2006, as Jono will be on
> holidays for the next two weeks. Since he is the main reason for the
> meetings, it was agreed that a once-off 3 week interval was a fine
> idea.
> A time will be announced closer to the event.
> --
> Sincerely
> Melissa Draper
> http://www.meldraweb.com
> Phone: 0404 595 395
> P.O Box 1412
> Lavington, NSW 2641
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
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