Meeting: Monday 18th Sep @ 2pm UTC in #ubuntu-meeting

Myriam Rita Schweingruber schweingruber at
Wed Sep 13 15:20:48 BST 2006

Hi Jono,

Am Mittwoch, 13. September 2006 15:00 schrieb Jono Bacon:

> I would like to organise a meeting for all of you lovely LoCo people. I
> know it is difficult getting a time that suits everyone, but we can
> always have additional meetings for specific territories if needed.

AFAIK most of us have a regular work/study/else during the day which makes it 
almost impossible to attend an IRC meeting at 2 pm UTC (at least for 
Europeans). If my presumption is wrong and I only speak for myself, pardon 
all :-)

Myriam, member of the Swiss LoCo team

FSF Europe fellow #304
Protect your freedom, join the Fellowship of FSFE!
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