
atie at
Mon Sep 11 11:55:59 BST 2006

Hi, Jono and y'all.

I'm the contact of ubuntu-ko and owner of CJK Testers. Regarding Korean Team 
we're still unofficial, but have our own (moderated) translation team which 
had finished all translations of Ubuntu/Kubuntu guides for Dapper release. 
For the other parts of team such as testing, packaging and documentation 
we're just at the stage, begin to gather few starters who will directly 
contribute to other Ubuntu teams someday I hope.

Jono, I was excited when I saw about your book and Community Manager 
thing :-), why don't you let us know for LoCo teams how to localize the book?

Favorite color? Me, nowadays black and purple, I guess some of you already saw 
my screenies from the forum and, didn't you? ;-)

Unlikely this mailing getting louder, thanks Jono.

from Houston,

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