Bangladeshi LoCo Team Formed

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at
Sat Apr 29 13:55:17 BST 2006

> We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Matthias Ulrichs and
> Jeff Waugh for helping us in many ways. The folks at Freenode #LoCoTeams
> were also very helpful -- thank you all!

I'm glad to see the loco teams expanding and it sounds like you have
some great goals put together for your team.  Welcome &

If I may, and not to take away from my sincere welcome, I feel the
need to vent for a minute.  This is not the first team addition that
I've seen added with central support (ie; mailing list, etc) while my
team is still awaiting even a reply for my request.

In March we were accepted as a LoCo team and my multiple email
requests for a mailing list & domain have been unanswered or ignored. 
I was told (by sabdfl, seveas, etc) in the irc meeting to contact
Matthias Ulrichs & Jeff Waugh to get these things done.  I've emailed
each of them at mutliple times with no replies.

I don't know what the deal is but its really frustrating to see new
teams getting the central support that ours has been waiting for for

Again, I apologize for using your welcome as a soapbox.

Christer Edwards

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