Wiki changes

Matthias Urlichs smurf at
Fri Jun 17 01:59:04 CDT 2005

Hello everybody,

as you probably noticed, the Ubuntu Wiki switched back to Moin.

That move left a couple of ToDo items for us.

- Please go to your CountryTeam page, edit it, set its category to
  "CategoryLoCoTeams" (at the bottom). If you don't change anything
  else, click "trivial" before you change it.

- If the page is multi-language, re-arrange the sections so that all
  text in one language is together. Then, add


  (or whatever ;-) in front of each section. That way, the correct
  language is displayed to users.

- You need to re-subscribe to any pages you want email for if they change.

- Your personal page should be in CategoryUserPages.

- We'd really like you to not spam-or-otherwise-obfuscate your email
  or Web addresses. Web crawlers can already see it in the mailing
  list archives, so there's no point to doing it -- on the other hand,
  there's a huge usability difference between "click on the link" and
  "copy text, open email client, create new mail, paste into address
  field, edit address correctly" when people need to contact you.

- Team pages need links to some members and what they're doing for
  the team. Please add them if necessary.

- If your WikiName contains non-ASCII characters, the name of your
  userpage has changed. You need to find the places where it occurs
  (esp. the LoCoTeamList page) and fix them, as the automatic conversion
  didn't catch the problem.

Matthias Urlichs   |   {M:U} IT Design @   |  smurf at
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. |
 - -
My reason tells me that land cannot be sold - nothing can be sold but
such things as can be carried away.
		-- Black Hawk, (Saulk)
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