Display boxes for CDs & National Mass Awareness Campaigns onUbuntu

Fouad Riaz Bajwa bajwa at fossfp.org
Wed Aug 24 11:45:45 CDT 2005

Dear Community Friend, 
You may say the procedure is according to your regional requirements, the
following regional organizations have endorsed our FOSSFP: Free and Open
Source Software Foundation of Pakistan's FOSS Academy "Ubuntu-Linux
Certified User" certifications:
1. Punjab University College of Information Technology, University of the
Punjab Pakistan www.pucit.edu.pk 
2. Pakistan Software Export Board, Ministry of Information Technology,
Government of Pakistan www.pseb.org.pk 
3. Open Source Resource Centre www.osrc.org.pk 
FOSSFP www.fossfp.org and www.Ubuntu-pk.org  is in the process of
formulating a FOSS Awareness Campaign Guide for other international teams to
use for creating awareness about Ubuntu. We had to burn 5000 Ubuntu CDs
ourselves as the Ubuntu Team was unable to provide us the required amount
but still, Ubuntu is there and we are here and we took a positive
initiative. We provided training to people from all over the country.

Pakistan LoCo Team

-----Original Message-----
From: fossfpo at websouls04.futuresouls.com
[mailto:fossfpo at websouls04.futuresouls.com] On Behalf Of Logiotatidis
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:20 PM
To: loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: RE: Display boxes for CDs & National Mass Awareness Campaigns

> I second the notion and would like to adopt the same strategy for
> we have already trained and certified over 4879 people as "Ubuntu-Linux
> Certified Users". The following amount of people were trained between
> 14-19, 2005 during the 1st National Free and Open Source Software
> Campaign FOSSAC'2005 as part of the celebrations for Software Freedom Day

Amazing! That's over 800 ppl / day! Can you give us the exact procedure
followed to certify someone as Ubuntu-Linux user?

Keep up!

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