web server available for a LoCo team

Myles Braithwaite myles.braithwaite at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 08:06:57 CDT 2005

Canadian Ubuntu Team would like to request our own server.

On 8/10/05 7:24 AM, "Jane Silber" <jane.silber at canonical.com> wrote:

> Hi all -
> As I mentioned before, we are working to provide servers for LoCo teams
> to host websites, etc.  There are both technical and procedural issues
> to address here.  One plan is to provide a Linode server
> (http://www.linode.com/) for each team.  We could help with initial set
> up of Apache and moin, but my sense is that LoCo teams would rather
> administer your own machines so you would have root access to the
> machine and could maintain it as you wish.
> So, to try this out, we have a Linode server available for any LoCo team
> that wants it.  First team to reply gets it.  If we can work the kinks
> out of this process, we'll expand the program and make them available
> for all LoCo teams that want one.
> Cheers,
> Jane

Myles Braithwaite
myles.braithwaite at gmail.com Personal
mbraithwaite at braithwaite.ca Work
mylesbraithwaite Skype

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