Flight-4 install

Lakin Wecker lakin.wecker at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 21:00:14 GMT 2006

This is just a heads up to report that Flight-4 doesn't install onto my Acer
Ferrari 4005.  Flight-3 installed just fine.  I'm not yet certain where the
install fails, as I'm not sure where to look.  it fails somewhere in the
middle of installing packages in the step after installing the base system.
Somewhere in the 80% range.  At that point, it switches to a black console
screen with a blinking cursor and does nothing ... up to about 20 minutes,
which is the longest I waited.  The install CD passes the integrity check.

At this point, I'm uncertain of where else to find information regarding the
install, so I'm going to download and try the daily-iso's to see if anything
has changed.  Although, if someone gives me some pointers as to the
information needed to fix this problem, then I'll poke around.

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