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On 08/04/12 21:56, Rajubhai Ramvani wrote:
<div dir="ltr">dear sir,
<div> when i upgrade any programme the massage is
desplaying (disk space full) or (low disk space). so how can
we improve disk space so in future we not want this type
massage. i know the we can do this by home folder empty.but
what is proper solution.anybody can help me.</div>
<div>rajuramvani. </div>
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If we assume you only have one partition for Kubuntu, you could
check the /tmp and /home/%userid%/tmp directories to see how much
space is used in those and delete the contents, which may or may not
release a fair amount of disk space. Linux is like windows, by
default it doesn't clear temp directories, although having said this
some distributions allocate /temp to a ram disk to simulate emptying
at shutdown. If your Kubuntu is doing this there should be an entry
in /etc/fstab assigning /tmp to tempfs.<br>