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Installed 64bit 12.04 and realized that there is still not any native support for my Netgear card. I have been waiting since 9. I love Kubuntu but this is one of those things that for me that makes or breaks it (the other being my TV tuner card) and I am tired of having to run 32bit Kubuntu on a 64bit machine because I have to use ndiswrapper and the 64bit driver that I have will not work. oh yeah the card is a WN-311T if anyone knows of a way to make it work besides ndiswrapper. Also if anyone has gotten the Avermedia TVHD DUET card to work I would be forever greatful as well. Thank you.<div><br></div><div>Terry<br><br><div><div id="SkyDrivePlaceholder"></div>> From: kubuntu-users-request@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> Subject: kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 87, Issue 8<br>> To: kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 12:00:29 +0000<br>> <br>> Send kubuntu-users mailing list submissions to<br>> kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> <br>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit<br>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users<br>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to<br>> kubuntu-users-request@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> <br>> You can reach the person managing the list at<br>> kubuntu-users-owner@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> <br>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific<br>> than "Re: Contents of kubuntu-users digest..."<br>> <br>> <br>> Today's Topics:<br>> <br>> 1. Re: Remote desktop. (Clay Weber)<br>> 2. Resolution stays at 800x600 in Kubuntu (Dennis Linux)<br>> 3. Re: Resolution stays at 800x600 in Kubuntu (Lindsay Mathieson)<br>> 4. RE: Resolution stays at 800x600 in Kubuntu (Steve Cookson)<br>> 5. Re: Remote desktop. (O. Sinclair)<br>> 6. lost my grub on the way to 12.04 (Errol Sapir)<br>> <br>> <br>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 1<br>> Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 20:04:21 -0400<br>> From: Clay Weber <clay@claydoh.com><br>> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com><br>> Subject: Re: Remote desktop.<br>> Message-ID: <4033389.PS1dhWsJuH@lark-latitude-d630><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<br>> <br>> On Sunday, April 08, 2012 08:47:37 PM Steve Cookson wrote:<br>> > <br>> > Hi Guys,<br>> > Is there a remote desktop facility that works under Kubuntu?<br>> > Regards<br>> > <br>> > Steve<br>> > <br>> <br>> While the various tools like krdc, vnc, etc all do work in linux, the ease-of-<br>> use/setup-and-configure factor is generally extremely lacking. So I usually <br>> suggest Teamviewer, a closed-source prgram that is works across platforms, and <br>> is fairly easy to run and set up. There is even an android viewer app.<br>> <br>> --<br>> Clay Weber<br>> http://kubuntuforums.net<br>> http://ubuntumaine.org<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 2<br>> Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 02:35:46 +0200<br>> From: Dennis Linux <frankie-1@hotmail.nl><br>> To: help <kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com><br>> Subject: Resolution stays at 800x600 in Kubuntu<br>> Message-ID: <BLU163-W48B862BC13557794E0A8C5CC370@phx.gbl><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"<br>> <br>> <br>> Why can Kubuntu only see 800x600 while Windows saw higher resolutions?<br>> It looks that you have to be a computer programmer to change the resolution.<br>> It? defently no great future from Linux that its so diffucult to change a resolution!<br>> I think that i trow Kubutu away if its so difficult to change a simple resolution from a videocard.<br>> If someone have tips that stood not on google that please tell me how i can better resolotions than the stupid 800x600.<br>> <br>> Dennis<br>> <br>> -------------- next part --------------<br>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br>> URL: <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/attachments/20120409/c05a62e0/attachment-0001.html><br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 3<br>> Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2012 11:19:14 +1000<br>> From: Lindsay Mathieson <lindsay.mathieson@gmail.com><br>> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com><br>> Subject: Re: Resolution stays at 800x600 in Kubuntu<br>> Message-ID: <3813165.C61pz9ROSI@lindsay-kubuntu-12><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<br>> <br>> On Mon, 9 Apr 2012 02:35:46 AM Dennis Linux wrote:<br>> > simple resolution from a videocard. If someone have tips that stood not on<br>> > google that please tell me how i can better resolotions than the stupid<br>> > 800x600.<br>> <br>> <br>> What's brand and model is your video card. Or if its built into your mother <br>> board what brand/model is that :)<br>> <br>> -- <br>> Lindsay<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 4<br>> Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2012 22:30:14 -0300<br>> From: "Steve Cookson" <it@sca-uk.com><br>> To: "'Kubuntu user technical support'"<br>> <kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com><br>> Subject: RE: Resolution stays at 800x600 in Kubuntu<br>> Message-ID: <1B0C8A1E62DB4F1AAB84EB37FACA7189@SACWS001><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"<br>> <br>> Hi Dennis,<br>> <br>> I have K10.04 seeing a 21" 1920x1080 screen and several other (lesser)<br>> resolutions. You shouldn't have to do anything, it should just detect it,<br>> but there is screen resolution setting programme under system setup (I think<br>> it's called that, I don't have my PC set to English at the moment).<br>> <br>> If you don't have the right driver or patches, it may not work.<br>> <br>> I had a new Gigabyte motherboard with K10.04 LTS and because the hardware<br>> was newer than the operating system it didn't detect all the settings.<br>> <br>> If that is your problem, then upgrade your Kubuntu to 11.04 or 11.10 and it<br>> should detect everything.<br>> <br>> Good luck.<br>> <br>> Regards<br>> <br>> Steve<br>> <br>> _____ <br>> <br>> From: kubuntu-users-bounces@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> [mailto:kubuntu-users-bounces@lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Dennis Linux<br>> Sent: 08 April 2012 21:36<br>> To: help<br>> Subject: Resolution stays at 800x600 in Kubuntu<br>> <br>> <br>> Why can Kubuntu only see 800x600 while Windows saw higher resolutions?<br>> It looks that you have to be a computer programmer to change the resolution.<br>> It? defently no great future from Linux that its so diffucult to change a<br>> resolution!<br>> I think that i trow Kubutu away if its so difficult to change a simple<br>> resolution from a videocard.<br>> If someone have tips that stood not on google that please tell me how i can<br>> better resolotions than the stupid 800x600.<br>> <br>> Dennis<br>> <br>> -------------- next part --------------<br>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br>> URL: <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/attachments/20120408/08c40155/attachment-0001.html><br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 5<br>> Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2012 08:39:14 +0200<br>> From: "O. Sinclair" <o.sinclair@gmail.com><br>> To: kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> Subject: Re: Remote desktop.<br>> Message-ID: <4F828412.9030507@gmail.com><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed<br>> <br>> On 09/04/12 02:04, Clay Weber wrote:<br>> > On Sunday, April 08, 2012 08:47:37 PM Steve Cookson wrote:<br>> >><br>> >> Hi Guys,<br>> >> Is there a remote desktop facility that works under Kubuntu?<br>> >> Regards<br>> >><br>> >> Steve<br>> >><br>> ><br>> > While the various tools like krdc, vnc, etc all do work in linux, the ease-of-<br>> > use/setup-and-configure factor is generally extremely lacking. So I usually<br>> > suggest Teamviewer, a closed-source prgram that is works across platforms, and<br>> > is fairly easy to run and set up. There is even an android viewer app.<br>> ><br>> > --<br>> > Clay Weber<br>> > http://kubuntuforums.net<br>> > http://ubuntumaine.org<br>> ><br>> I agree - I use krdc for servers/computers on the same LAN but for <br>> anything "remote" Teamviewer is the easiest and best I have found. And <br>> it is free for personal use so you can help your family and friends <br>> without paying money for license.<br>> <br>> Best,<br>> Sinclair<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 6<br>> Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2012 13:48:27 +0300<br>> From: Errol Sapir <errol@tzora.co.il><br>> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com><br>> Subject: lost my grub on the way to 12.04<br>> Message-ID: <4F82BE7B.5040306@tzora.co.il><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<br>> <br>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br>> URL: <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/attachments/20120409/aa73d1b8/attachment-0001.html><br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> -- <br>> kubuntu-users mailing list<br>> kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users<br>> <br>> <br>> End of kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 87, Issue 8<br>> ********************************************<br></div></div> </div></body>