.hmmessage P
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OK thats why not working as used just default which has the<BR>
'Scan Folders Recursively' box ticked?????????, so I will give a go and bypass<BR>
the .stringi right<BR>
ray<BR> <BR>> Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 18:45:10 -0400<BR>> From: GrokIt@ajinfosearch.com<BR>> To: kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<BR>> Subject: Re: installation of apps like Klamav<BR>> <BR>> Ray Burke wrote:<BR>> > Derek,<BR>> > <BR>> > I got my adept_manager working agin with $ apt-get update, then install <BR>> > klamav,<BR>> > but viruis scanner stops at 35% trying to scan some <BR>> > /home/rayburke/.strigi/culcene files,<BR>> > but must be a way to avert scanning these???????<BR>> > <BR>> <BR>> Click on the 'Home Folder'/'Device'/'System Folder', whatever you are going to <BR>> scan. Make sure that the 'Scan Folders Recursively' box is NOT checked. Then <BR>> expand your folders and uncheck what you do not want to be scanned.<BR>> <BR>> -- <BR>> Alan<BR>> <BR>> "The second most satisfying thing in life is to totally understand a complicated <BR>> concept. If you are very lucky you may attain *the* most satisfying thing in <BR>> life and actually grok it."<BR>> <BR>> -- <BR>> kubuntu-users mailing list<BR>> kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<BR>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users<BR><br /><hr />Find car news, reviews and more <a href='http://a.ninemsn.com.au/b.aspx?URL=http%3A%2F%2Fsecure%2Dau%2Eimrworldwide%2Ecom%2Fcgi%2Dbin%2Fa%2Fci%5F450304%2Fet%5F2%2Fcg%5F801459%2Fpi%5F1004813%2Fai%5F859641&_t=762955845&_r=tig_OCT07&_m=EXT' target='_new'>Looking to change your car this year?</a></body>