Did anyone get Age of Conan to run on Kubuntu? Downloading have not installed yet.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Signature Begins--<br>George Arnold Hall<br>President / CEO<br>IS5000 Publications and Technological Services Canada Inc.<br>
<a href="http://www.is5000.com">www.is5000.com</a><br>Author of Ancient Black Objects<br>Creator of New Camelot, Knights of the Round, Immortals of Scar<br>Current Projects: Sinister Circuits, Koryu Gannen (novels, first on back burner, latter in process)<br>
All work done by George Arnold Hall is ©2000-2007 by George Arnold Hall, any information used in correspondence with George Arnold Hall in referrence to his work is ©2000-2007 by George Arnold Hall, unless otherwise noted.<br>
--Signature Ends--