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<small>Hello, all.<br>
</small><small>I have several hundred winword (.doc) files that need to
turned into OOOrg Writer (.odt) files.<br>
Attempting to do a conversion via File -> Wizards ->Document
results in the following error message:<br>
<i>"Inadmissible value or data type.<br>
Index out of defined range."</i><br>
in module Language, GetApplResourceArray(StartResIndex as I, Count as
I, BigArray()).<br>
Am I doing something wrong ? Is the macro fixable? or is there
perhaps something like a "doc2odt" conversion utility or script outside
Any help will be greatly appreciated.<br>
</small> <small><small>_____________________________________________</small><br>
Kubuntu 7.04 - OOffice.org 2.2.0<br>
i586 - 512 MB </small><br>
<small></small><font color="#009900"><strong><font face="Webdings"
size="6"><small><small><small><small> <br>
</small></small></small></small>P </font><small>Help protect the
environment; print messages only when absolutely necessary! <br>
<font color="#009900"><strong><small> Aiuta a proteggere
l’ambiente; stampa messaggi solo se è veramente necessario!<br>