<span class="gmail_quote"></span>Nah, I am just too thick to get Samba to work. I tried to<br><div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
monkey-copy-monkey-paste my way through it, but 'taint happening!<br><br>I have tried every combination of username and password on both sides of the<br>O/S divide and one simply cannot see the other.<br><br>Can anyone take me by the hand as I aim for:
<br>1. Open an Exploder window on XP and browse a folder on Kubuntu (with rw)<br>2. Open a Konqy on Kubuntu and browse a folder on XP (with rw)<br>3. Be secure about it!<br><br>Any boffins out there</blockquote><div><br>Donn, SAMBA is a hard nut to crack. If anyone is to thick to get Samba running it is ME. But I kept at it and finally got it working. I am on the road so I don't have access to my server (didn't get it completed before I left) but if I remember correctly
smb.conf was a source of a lot of the problems. I found a book that helped me set it up. Ubuntu Hacks I believe is the name. While it is not perfect it gives you the steps to follow. I would try to set it up on an old machine first . . . I finally got SAMBA working only to to find that ssh didn't work. It took lot of time but now both work well. Good luck and don't give up. Remember the most fun is in the journey . . . have fun with it.