Hello<br><br>I am always impressed by the overwhelming number of options in all KDE applications... and here, with ark, this is the first time I can't do what I want! :-(<br><br>The ark plugin in konqueror offers to compress with
tar.gz by default and I can't find where to change this to something else. I know the other choices of compression are not that far away (just a submenu away to be precise) but I wonder whether this is possible.<br><br>I also noted that ark isn't usable with the smb:/ KIO. It displays a progression box but I was never patient enough to have it finished the job. On the other hand, ark is quite fast if I try with the same folder mounted through smbmount/smb4K. So the problem is really between ark and kio.
<br><br>I have another funny (?) somewhat related problem: I find the tar:/zip: KIO very useful because you can browse an archive containing thousands of small HTML files (for instance a reference manual) without the need to unzip it. But in konqueror, when you click on a tar file, it opens ark and I can't find how to change this. Any idea?
<br clear="all"><br>Cheers<br>-- <br>Michel