WIFI & Bluethooth cannot be enabled at Kubuntu 24.04 LTS

Bas G. Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Sat May 4 07:02:22 UTC 2024

Thanks for replying.

Op za 4 mei 2024 00:38 schreef Little Girl <littlergirl at gmail.com>:

> Hey there,
> Bas G. Roufs wrote:
> >My question in this context: how and where exactly can I file a bug
> >report in such a way, that it will be read and dealt with by Kubuntu
> >expert users who deal with WIFI and Bluetooth?
> This post contains a few links that should help to get that done:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2024-April/063569.html

Gonna check this more thoroughly.  Thanks.



> --
> Little Girl
> There is no spoon.
> --
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