Kubuntu 24.94 LTS released. Not possible yet to upgrade from 22.04?

Bas G. Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Thu May 2 19:48:07 UTC 2024

Hello Sorin and everybody else.

> My understanding was that the in-place upgrade won't be activated until the
> first point release is available, ie the 24.04.1.

I have understood this too - 24.04.1 will be issued on the 15th of August.

> Until then, the only working way to get a 24.04 install running properly is
> to make a fresh install using the ISO.

At some point, I had simply too many complications. More about them in this
bug report:

That's why, I decided to try a fresh install of 24.04 LTS, as it is
available now. I did manage to do af after a bit of tweaking, trial and
error. More about that I gonna share in another post.

> Judging from last week's lab with inplace upgrades I did on a vm desktop
> from 22.04.4, it "kinda' works", but several update, security repos etc
> will
> not be available, potentially leaving the system in an unstable situation.
> Dependency problems galore as well. YMMV though.
> FWIW, I also did some lab tests with the 24.04 server inplace upgrade from
> 22.04. This went through pretty good. Didn't see too many problems at all!
> If the system you want to upgrade is crucial in any way, I'd wait till
> autumn with the upgrade.

Waiting till the autumn was no option for me, because I simply had too many
complications. More about this I have shared in this bug report:

After a bit of tweaking, trial and error, I did manage to get a fresh
installation Kubuntu 24.04 LTS. In other posts, I'll share more about this.
Now, I am configuring that configuration with the right packages, language
modules, etc.

The most important issue so far is the impossibility so far to get WIFI
More about this I share in this bug report:


In another post at this forum, I'll share more about it.

Thanks for the help of all of you so far.



> --
> Sorin Srbu
> Drifttekniker, Serverdrift
> Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
> Enheten för teknikstöd och bildproduktion,
> Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
> Tele: 08-524 84166
> # They say you can't buy happiness, but you can buy a
> # motorcycle, and that's pretty damn close!
> --
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Bas G. Roufs

Bas G. Roufs MA
Rijksweg 66a
NL-6585 AG Mook
+31 6 446 835 10
BasRoufs at gmail.com

Mook ligt ca. 10 km. ten zuiden van Nijmegen en 10 km. ten oosten van de
Duitse grens.
Uitspraak -ou- in achternaam «Roufs»: zoals in «bouwen».

Mook is about 10 km. south of Nijmegen and 10 km west of the German border.
Pronunciatiation -ou- family name «Roufs»: like in «about».
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