Suspend again

Bmarsh bmarsh at
Wed May 1 14:04:10 UTC 2024

I beg to differ on the "lack of knowledge!"    I'll match my  60 years of computer experience against yours any day...  Helped send a man to the moon; what have you done? 'Nuff said. And B.S. on calling a desktop system a server.  Please give me your definition of a server...   I'm running several computers as headless servers, and it matters not what I loaded them with.  
 From: Jeffrey Walton < noloader at > Subject: Re: Suspend again Date: 4/30/24 7:31 PM To: Cody Smith < cody.smith at > CC: Kubuntu user technical support < kubuntu-users at >

 On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 7:05 PM Cody Smith < cody.smith at > wrote:
 Please, enlighten me how calling someone "ignorant" or stating "nope, I don't suffer folks" is not a potshots, or at the very least is constructive at all.  I used "ignorance", not "ignorant." Ignorance is the " lack of knowledge or information ". That exactly describes bmarsh. To wit, "I'm calling it a server... [I] never mentioned downloading a server package." So he claims he doesn't know the difference between a desktop system and a server system, though he has been using Linux for over 30 years: "I've only been running Linux since 1992 so maybe I don't have the knowledge."
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