
Lars Liedtke lal at
Wed May 31 08:51:41 UTC 2023

Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

[Tel.]  +49 721 98993-
[Fax]   +49 721 98993-
[E-Mail]        lal at<mailto:lal at>

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15
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Am 31.05.23 um 10:47 schrieb Bill Walsh:
On 5/31/23 01:04, Lars Liedtke wrote:

Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

[Tel.]  +49 721 98993-
[Fax]   +49 721 98993-
[E-Mail]        lal at<mailto:lal at>

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15
76185 Karlsruhe

[Logo Solute]

Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH
[Advertising Partner]

Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
Webseite | <>
Sitz | Registered Office: Karlsruhe
Registergericht | Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
Registernummer | Register No.: HRB 110579
USt-ID | VAT ID: DE234663798

Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy

Am 31.05.23 um 07:45 schrieb Sorin Srbu:

On Tue, 2023-05-30 at 09:40 -0500, Bill Walsh wrote:

I have tried everything I can find on the internet to stop Snap. It
still is determined to update Firefox, and whatever else possibly. It
pops up a black blob in the upper right of the screen and if I don't
get to it soon enough the message goes away and the only way I can
get rid of it is to force a reboot.

Any suggestions that aren't on Ubuntu online help and other web


Why don't you uninstall Fx-snap and instead add the inofficial official
Firefox PPA and then install Fx from there?

IIRC Snap is pretty tightly incorporated with Ubuntu now - some apt
update-thingie is going on. Stopping Snap may prove detrimental for the
rest of the OS.

I fear they will push more in that direction. But at the moment, there is nothing you have to have snap for AFAIK.

But I hope things like certain restriction problems (like connection issues to the ssh-agent or keepassxc Browser-Plugin) will be fixed.

In the past I have used Snap applications when they weren't readily available or had  some issue when coming from the "official" repos. All seemed to go well. Since they are now using Snap as the official source for some things there seems  to be some bugs in the system. Hopefully they get them worked out soon.

 In times of Tyranny and injustice when law oppresses the people, the outlaw takes his place in history.
 · Robin Hood · 2010 · Screen Title

Exactly. I am not against Snaps per se; but when snapped applications do not work as debbed ones; this is a bug. I am not sure if e.g. access to the ssh-agent is even possible, which made me use DBeaver as deb again.
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