Lars Liedtke
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Wed May 31 06:04:37 UTC 2023
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Am 31.05.23 um 07:45 schrieb Sorin Srbu:
On Tue, 2023-05-30 at 09:40 -0500, Bill Walsh wrote:
I have tried everything I can find on the internet to stop Snap. It
still is determined to update Firefox, and whatever else possibly. It
pops up a black blob in the upper right of the screen and if I don't
get to it soon enough the message goes away and the only way I can
get rid of it is to force a reboot.
Any suggestions that aren't on Ubuntu online help and other web
Why don't you uninstall Fx-snap and instead add the inofficial official
Firefox PPA and then install Fx from there?
IIRC Snap is pretty tightly incorporated with Ubuntu now - some apt
update-thingie is going on. Stopping Snap may prove detrimental for the
rest of the OS.
I fear they will push more in that direction. But at the moment, there is nothing you have to have snap for AFAIK.
But I hope things like certain restriction problems (like connection issues to the ssh-agent or keepassxc Browser-Plugin) will be fixed.
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