upgrading to 22.04 kills firefox

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 01:19:10 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Bob wrote:

>computer is white box I built myself and have kept upgraded over the 
>years, currently with an I-7 processor on an Intel board. and 12tb
>of memory plus lots of RAM.  would have to look up details

Since you built it yourself, did you check if maybe the little wires
that go to the USB ports are plugged into the wrong jumpers or maybe
have worked their way loose from the board?

>I go into BIOS as needed and so far it hasn't recognized a USB port. 

Do you have USB set up as the first boot device in BIOS?

>have gotten a 128gb thumbdrive so will put the ISO on that and try
>booting from that.

Hopefully that will work.

Have you been following the "Checksums" steps on this page to verify
the integrity of your downloaded file after grabbing it from Kubuntu?


Last, but not least, you've got the Startup Disk Creator in any
Ubuntu (or any of its flavors) installation and can use that to
prepare the USB stick and put the ISO file onto it:


Here's a video that shows Startup Disk Creator in use on Ubuntu, but
it will be similar in Kubuntu:


I like the video better since the person who made it waited to plug
in the USB stick until after Startup Disk Creator was already
running. I never thought to do that, but it seems like a great way to
make sure you'll be writing to the right drive by watching it being
detected live as you plug it in.

>major part of problem is lousy internet service, a good day is 3kbs
>download speed so stuff takes FOREVER to download.  I have no choice
>in providers I live in an area where there is exclusive service and
>they don't care about upgradinng.

I've gone a few rounds with that sort of situation myself, so I feel
your pain. I hope it gets better.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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