upgrading to 22.04 kills firefox

David Fletcher dave at thefletchers.net
Sun Apr 16 21:50:39 UTC 2023

On Sun, 2023-04-16 at 16:52 -0400, Bob wrote:
> have been doing it with ethernet cable

Do you have a WiFi adaptor?

Might do no harm to try configuring a different network interface.

> all solutions seem to require access to internet and it won't connect
> via anything natively loaded.  if I could download something on this
> computer and burn a disk then load it????  but don't know what to
> look for snap is something new to me.

I know absolutely nothing about snap but I did do some fiddling around
with WiFi adaptors on netplan a little while back which is working OK
for me:-
which you're very welcome to use if it helps. If your PC is set up to
use yaml files it seems you can add new ones and remove/hide them
without doing harm to anything else.

> Bob


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