Kubuntu Council Election 2022 voting

Rik Mills rikmills at kubuntu.org
Tue Aug 23 09:21:29 UTC 2022

Hi everyone.

The call for nominations in the election has now closed, and the 
following 3 candidates have been nominated:

Darin Miller
Myriam Schweingruber
Valorie Zimmerman

for the 3 postitions on the Council.

Therefore, in accordance with community council election guidelines [1], 
a full election via CVIS or launchpad is not required.

Instead, an individual confirmation poll for each candidate has been set
up on the Kubuntu Members launchpad team page.

This is a Yes/No poll, with no other options, open only to Kubuntu Members.

Darin Miller: 
Myriam Schweingruber: 
Valorie Zimmerman: 

Launchpad requires a (12 hrs) delay between creating a poll and it
opening for voting, so the voting window is accordingly:

Polls open: 0:00 UTC, 24th August 2022 (tonight)
Polls close: 0:00 UTC, 1st September 2022

I believe launchpad will automatically open and close the polls, so it
is crucial to vote within the aforesaid window.

Happy voting

[1] - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/restaffing/890

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