Firefox's policies.json doesn't work under Kubuntu

Mike Diehl mdiehl at
Wed Jul 21 23:03:15 UTC 2021

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a firefox policy in order to configure various browser 
configuration elements.

The documentation says that I need to create 
/usr/lib/firefox/firefox/distribution/policies.json that contains a json 

I've done this and it doesn't work.  However, per the firefox support 
suggestion, if I download another copy of firefox, that version applies the 

So, the advise from the firewall support forum was that (k)Ubuntu must be 
overriding the normal policy mechanism.

So, should I get this working?

Also, I'm curious as to why (k)Ubuntu would override, or disable, a supported 
configuration management mechanism in firefox.

Any ideas would be welcome.


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