kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 188, Issue 4
Bill Walsh
Bill at kctu.com
Sun Oct 11 02:09:45 UTC 2020
On 10/10/20 2:02 PM, Rick Timmis wrote:
> Hi Bill
> Thanks for your attention and email. It's clear you're passionate
> about Kubuntu and this is the comment that I am most interested in
> 'I have been running (K)Ubuntu now for about eighteen years and have
> loved it. I've recommended it to many Windows users who were
> dissatisfied with Windows for whatever reason.'
> That is precisely what we need all our users to do.
> OK I've been looking into how to resolve this problem, and there is a
> method using kmenuedit and pkexec. I'm still testing it and if all
> goes well, I will write it up for others. Maybe you can test with me,
> it would be great to get your experiences
> Here are the steps
> 1.) Kicker Menu type 'kmenuedit' in the search box, and Run Kmenuedit
> 2.) When it opens choose the Menu you want your Root Dolphin
> application to be placed,and select the menu
> 3.) New Item
> 4.) Give it a name e.g 'Root Dolphin'
> 5.) In the command type/copy: pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY
> 6.) Save
> Now from the Kicker Menu type 'Root Dolphin'
> Voila! A sudo authorisation box should ask you for your password, and
> once authenticated Dolphin opens and 'You Got Root!'
> Hope that helps, and have a great day
> Rick
Worked a trick. Thanks so much. I put it in "System" because that's
where the dangerous stuff belongs. :o)
I had found a website that had that command to be run from terminal but
I had no idea about kmenuedit.
You are right, I do love Kubuntu. been a big fan for many years. I
started out with SuSe about 2000 on advice of several people but
somehow it just didn't fit me. Tried a couple others that were good and
I did like but when I found Kubuntu it was, kind of like baby bears
porridge and bed, just right. Never looked back until this little hiccup.
thak you So much.
There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury and ammo.
Please use in that order.
The soap box represents exercising one's right to freedom of speech to influence politics to defend liberty.
The ballot box represents exercising one's right to vote to elect a government which defends liberty.
The jury box represents using jury nullification to refuse to convict someone being prosecuted for breaking an unjust law that decreases liberty.
The ammo box represents exercising one's right to keep and bear arms to oppose, in armed conflict, a government that decreases liberty.
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