dual boot ?

Dave Nelson (dave@dalek.zone) dave at dalek.zone
Wed May 20 23:10:51 UTC 2020

In any case, although having one of the operating systems as a virtual 
machine, using VirtualBox for instance, is possible and does work, you 
get a performance hit with the guest operating system (the one in the 
virtual machine). Dual booting lets you get the best performance out of 
both operating systems.

All the best,


On 2020-05-21 02:01, Bob wrote:
> is an older computer so it only has room for one drive, hopefully
> getting a new larger drive to fit the slot.
>   person using computer is not likely to be able to use a virtual
> drive want to keep it simple for them.
> thanks for the confirmation of what I suspected was the route to 
> follow.
> thanks
> Bob
> On Thu, 21 May 2020, Dave Nelson (dave at dalek.zone) wrote:
>> Are you partitioning for Windows and Linux on the same drive, or 
>> Windows on one drive and Linux on the other? In any case, you need to 
>> install Windows first, as you said. If you want both operating systems 
>> on the same drive, then you want to partition the drive before 
>> installing Windows, because Windows will simply suggest using the 
>> entire drive. Only Ubuntu/Kubuntu gives you the ability to partition 
>> any way you want.
>> HTH.
>> ---
>> All the best,
>> Dave
>> On 2020-05-21 00:34, Bob wrote:
>>> been a while since I helped someone set up a computer to dual boot.
>>> brain is having a hard disk seek error
>>> I have partition magic (8.0)
>>> and Kubuntu 18.4 (which is what they want)
>>> they have their windoze disk.
>>> I know windoze has to go on first but is that before or after 
>>> partitioning??
>>> thanks
>>> Bob
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