Kububtu won't reboot

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Sat May 9 07:29:48 UTC 2020

On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 12:13 AM Phil <phillor9 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 9/5/20 3:18 pm, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
> Thank you Valorie for your reply.
> > The .kde file hasn't been used for years, unless you have some very
> > old KDE software.
> I noticed the the .kde directory for 20.04 only has one file in it. Do
> you think it would be best for me to only have the new .kde directory
> and not my old .kde directory which contains lots of files?
> >
> > Did you run /update-grub/ after adding your ~/$HOME ?
> I hadn't until you mentioned it, but it didn't help, I still cannot reboot.
> --
> Regards,
> Phil

I'm no expert here, so I hope someone else speaks up. I don't think there
is anything wrong with the files in your ~/home. I think perhaps it is the
way you added it. The usual way if you want to preserve your home is to put
it in its own partition. The problem, as you have discovered, is that some
files, especially configuration files, can get old or even corrupted.

Best practice if you do not want to partition off a separate home, is to
move the *data* you want into your new fresh home. I always back up the old
configs, etc. just in case I need them for something, but mostly what I
want is my music, documents, photos, ebooks, etc. So that's what I back up,
and that's what I copy over to a new install. If you want to move back a
config file -- such as I do for Konversation, I move just the konversation
configs, not all of ~/.config. rsync makes it rather fast and easy to make
backups, and to copy into the new home as well.

I never bother with the separate partition, first because I'm always afraid
I will mess it up, and second because copying from backups is fast and easy.

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