Mint 19.2 Dial up procedures with Kppp

ray burke rayburke30 at
Sun Apr 19 05:21:10 UTC 2020

Anyone out there,

I have been running K10.0/k12.02/k14.04 with dial up thru Kppp, but have found
that Mint 19.2 is more efficient, so I have loaded up a sata 160gb and
runs really
good, but I cant get it to run and can't find correct procedures for
dial up thru Kppp.
Have been advised by Nils thru this link who has helped me out with other things
with K14.04 and mint but unable for cure this dial-up for Mint 19.2 even though
when I borrow a dongle I can connect thru the modem stick to internet thru NBN .
Cause I am a pensioner I cannot afford NBN, there only dial-up.
Cold someone advise me how do this for Mint 19.2?


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