Kppp and pppd for K18.04.3 for dialup

ray burke rayburke30 at
Sat Oct 19 00:49:27 UTC 2019

can anyone help?

I viewed the Kppprc file and showed that the ISP
was back to DoDo. I then did the
"sudo nano /etc/ppp/pap-secrets" and changed the
password back to the dodo password needed to logon.
Then when I done connect it didn't finish connectionm-
(connect 115200),when done thru Kppp icon or pppd icon?


On 16/10/2019, ray burke <rayburke30 at> wrote:
> Can anyone out there help me please-
> I am testing out a new K18.04.3 that I have installed on a 160gb sata
> drive.
> I have included most of my files from my K14.04, which I use for dialup
> to the internet.
> I have downloaded to current 223 updates for the K18.04.3 LTS and also
> installed
> Kppp and pppd(red telephone icon) but having problems with Kppp as cant
> update
> anything thru Kate or Nano as not write permissions.
> With pppd I have problems with below-
> *************************************
> Username:
> --> Don't know what to do!  Starting pppd and hoping for the best.
> --> Starting pppd at Mon Oct 14 13:47:53 2019
> --> Warning: Could not modify /etc/ppp/pap-secrets: Permission denied
> --> --> PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) may be flaky.
> --> Warning: Could not modify /etc/ppp/chap-secrets: Permission denied
> --> --> CHAP (Challenge Handshake) may be flaky.
> --> Pid of pppd: 1813
> --> Using interface ppp0
> --> pppd: ��E ��E
> --> pppd: ��E ��E
> --> pppd: ��E ��E
> --> pppd: ��E ��E
> --> Disconnecting at Mon Oct 14 13:48:23 2019
> ******************************************************
> Can someone help?
> Ray

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