Kppp fig files for K18.04.3 for dialup

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Thu Oct 10 03:15:04 UTC 2019

Hi Ray,

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 10:53 PM ray burke <rayburke30 at> wrote:

> Hi can anyone help with the below-
>  have recently Installed K18.04.3 on a new 160gb sata drive and
> cloned all my info from my K14.04, as a test I want to make sure that
> I can use dialup with the new system, but having
> problems with Kppp. I have inserted the parameters thru the start
> window in Kppp when I click on the Kppp icon, and it dials the modem
> but gets to where it says connection in the log window ,then dies.
> Have been advised to change the "#noauth",remove the #" in
> /etc/ppp/peers/kppp"
> but cant find a file ,as can only edit thru "sudo nano" as "Kate"
> can't execute.
> So does anyone know where the config files
> for Kppp are stored for me to adjust, hope some one can help?
> Ray

Its been many years since I dialed up for connectivity, but

you should be able to SEE /etc/ and the files in there in Dolphin and Kate;
you just won't be able to edit. Once you find it, you should be able to
copy the etc/path/to/file in to nano in the konsole.

Since Kppp is old, it's possible that the configs are still in ~/.kde --
again, you can look in Dolphin and Kate to see what's there. All newer
applications put configs in ~/.config and a few in ~/.local . All files in
your $HOME are editable by you, and do not (and should never) be used with

If you cloned your old info, you should be able to see your old config file
somewhere in ~/.kde . Config files are just text, so you can just copy the
old over and it will generally work.

Just a warning - Kppp is not maintained anymore, because nobody ported it
to KDE Frameworks. Of course the code is still available in various places,
and it's not yet been removed from the Ubuntu archive, but it eventually
will be, because KDElibs are no longer supported (so-called KDE4).

Hope this helps,

-- - pronouns: she/her
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