new install ubuntu 19.04 and plasma-desktop missing tools

David Lang david at
Fri May 3 02:50:42 UTC 2019

I did a new install of ubuntu 19.04 and then installed plasma-desktop and I'm 
missing a bunch of stuff. There's no terminal on the menu, network manager 
doesn't show up in the status bar, etc.

I did an upgrade on another system and it has no problems, but the new install 
is having grief.

Just in case this was because I did the install at the end of march (to a beta), 
I uninstalled plasma-desktop and reinstalled it, I created a new user thinking 
there may have been some config problems with the first user I created, and the 
second one has the same problems.

What do I need to do to get the full desktop like I used to get when I installed 
plasma-desktop in earlier releases?

David Lang

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