Installation alongside Windows 10 Home Edition

TuxMario DETREB tuxmario.detreb at
Sat Jan 5 18:14:49 UTC 2019


The manual option is dedicated to manage your specific installation. 
Have some trouble to use this option?
NB : I use manual option since several years without any problem

Happy new years : TuxMario

Le 05/01/2019 à 19:01, Ingolf Steinbach a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am currently attempting to install Kubuntu 18.04.1 on a HP Pavilion 
> 15-cr0001ng notebook which came preinstalled with Windows 10 Home 
> Edition. In preparation, I shrunk the C: drive to get some 400GB of 
> free storage on the (single) HDD. I then booted the Kubuntu 18.04.1 
> DVD (via an external drive) downloaded from 
> Unfortunately, the only options the installer offers are to use the 
> entire disk (which I definitively do not want) or to do some manual 
> "juggling" (which I'd like to avoid), see 01_installation_type.png 
> <>.
> Both the "Installation type" and the "Prepare partitions" steps 
> clearly show the Windows installation and also the free space intended 
> for the Kubuntu installation (see also 02_prepare_partitions.png 
> <>); 
> yet, there is no option to install Kubuntu alongside the Windows 
> installation (without having to resort to manual modification of 
> partitions.
> I also selected "Try Kubuntu" first, followed by an upgrade of 
> packages via WiFi (hoping that maybe also the installer would be 
> updated to a newer version). Without effect.
> Is automatic installation alongside Windows really not supported? Did 
> I miss something?
> See attachments for the output of parted and efibootmgr.
> Two additional questions:
>  1. Is it possible to either install solely to the spare partition
>     (without *installing* grub but booting grub from the DVD and from
>     there starting the HDD based Kubuntu) or to remove grub later on
>     (if I should decide to revert to a Windows-only notebook)?
>  2. The live DVD did not detect the built-in WiFi (I had to use one
>     connected via USB instead) which is a RealTek
>     RTL8821CE [10ec:c821] (see attached lspci.txt). Is this expected?
> Thanks in advance for your support.
> Kind regards
> Ingolf

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