weird issue

Kaj Haulrich kaj at
Tue Feb 19 03:54:53 UTC 2019

On 19/02/2019 04.00, Charlie wrote:
> My Dell Precision T1600 desktop computer doesn't want to restart no matter how many times I try it. It'll boot up and shut down but no restart. Hmmm..what gives?
> Charlie Luna
How do you invoke the 'restart' command? - In case it is from the GUI, 
make sure that System Settings --> Startup and Shutdown --> Desktop 
Session --> Default Leave Option is set op 'Logout' and then try to just 
logout and see what happens. It should give you four options: suspend, 
reboot, shutdown and logout. Do they work properly?

Also, you could try to restart from the terminal (konsole in kubuntunese):

sudo shutdown -r now
sudo shutdown -h now

Kaj Haulrich.
Sent from my 100% Microsoft-free workstation
---- Running Linux Kubuntu 19.04 ----

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