Menu Editor

Phil phillor9 at
Tue Aug 13 22:25:55 UTC 2019

On 13/8/19 11:17 am, Thomas Tanghus wrote:
> On Tuesday, 13 August 2019 00.52.03 CEST Phil wrote:
>> Is it possible to add a new menu item to the Application launcher?
>> I can easily see how to add a submenu. For example, the first menu is
>> "Development" and I could add a submenu under that but that's not what I
>> want. What I'm looking for is "add menu" rather than "add submenu".
> - Right-click on the Application launcher icon.
> - Configure Application Launcher.
> - Right-click "Development".
> - Select "New Item".

Thank you Thomas for taking the time to answer. However, I want to add a 
new menu item to the list rather than a new item or a new submenu to an 
existing menu item.



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